Q: How long does it take to find the babysitter after we decide we would like to schedule an interview?

A: Usually we ask for 2-3 days before we schedule the interview, but if you call us and tell us I need the babysitter ASAP we could have the interview same day.


Q: How many Babysitters do you work with and where are they from?

A: We work with over 500 Caregivers and Babysitters in Chicagoland area. Most of our Babysitters are Eastern Europeans (Polish, Ukrainians, Russians, Lithuanians, Slovak, Czech, Romanians, Bulgarians).


Q: We need the Babysitter who speaks Italian? Do you provide Babysitters who speak foreign languages?

A: Yes, we do. Please let us know about this need before we schedule the interview.


Q: What is the minimum requirement of hours per week if we need come and go Babysitter?

A: The minimum hours will be for per day and 20 per week.


Q: After we choose a Babysitter and he/she starts to work, do you still keep in touch with us?

A: Yes, we do. We check periodically how everything works out for you. At the beginning we call or come over more often. When everything goes the way you wish we do this less often.


Q: If we need a Babysitter to work 7 days a week live in and she needs a day or two off would you provide replacement?

A: Usually yes, we ask to let us know few days in advance and we are able to provide another Babysitter for the days off the regular one (weekends, one weekend day, and vacations)


Q: Do we still have to pay if our Babysiter takes days off?

A: It is completely up to you. This is not a requirement. It is totally your decision.


Q: What if we do not like the Babysitter and we would like to try different one?

A: Just call us, let us know what is the issue and we will provide different Babysitter ASAP.


Q: Do we have to pay taxes, social security, health insurance etc… for the Babysitter who works for us?

A: No, the Babysitter works as an Independent Contractor and is responsible to pay all of this by herself.


Q: What happens if after few months or years the our Babysitter resigns while I still need one? Would you charge me the placement fee again?

A: No, the placement fee is one time and LIFETIME.


Q: If I need live in Babysitter, do I have to provide food and room for her?

A: Yes, you should provide basic food and if possible also room. Please let us know if you cannot provide separate room for the Babysitter.