Services provided

  • We provide Nursing Home Alternative.
  • We understand individual needs of our Clients. That is why we will find the best possible Caregiver who will provide the following services:  

– 24 hour a Day Live-in or Commute***
– Assistance with Bathing
– Daily Care
– Light Housekeeping
– Nutritious meal preparation
– Cleaning Services
– Laundry
– Grocery Shopping
– Medication Reminders
– Call for more services


  • Live-in service is provided 24 hours a day seven or five days a week or even weekends for as long as care is needed. The costs of live-in service vary depending on the type of care and skills needed (see our general rates)
  • Come and go service is provided with no minimum hourly requirement per day, call us to discuss the rates and available options.